People feel tired. We need energy. So, where does energy come from? And, once we get energy, how do we keep it? Let me explain the process by which we produce energy and how we may form strategies to feel energetic every day.
The process of energy
First of all, there is a difference between having energy and feeling energetic.
We produce a significant amount of energy even when we are asleep. Yet, most of us don't feel particularly energetic when we wake up. There are times when we may feel energetic and yet scientific tests actually measure less energy.
A good example of this may be seen when a person uses a caffeine-based stimulant such as a cup of coffee or a soft drink. They may feel more alert. Yet, they have less mental energy and they typically score poorly on mental performance tests.
That means they cannot really think as well and solve problems as well when they are under the influence of caffeine. More than that, the alertness that they feel comes at a high price: drinking caffeinated beverages will ensure that you feel more fatigue later. The energy that you feel is not real energy.
Practice the 10 Essentials for energy
Get your rest and exercise.
Eat a nutrient-rich diet.
Select relationships that energize you.
Support energy production with Energy Now!.
Reduce the impact of stress with Adaptogen 10 Plus.
Improve the sensation of energy with Vitamin B-12.
Decrease the impact of inflammation with Nopalea.
TriVita’s Weekly Wellness Report [weeklywellnessreport@trivita/com]