Unfortunately, being overweight is not simply an ornamental problem; it's not simply about how we look. It is about how well we are. It's about how much energy we have for the people we love, and how much vitality we have for the commitments we make. It's about how successful or unsuccessful we will be at reaching our goals and living a life of purpose and meaning. It's that serious.
Mechanics of weight loss
Let's review several steps for weight loss that we have gathered from expert sources:
3. Decide how much weight you want to lose each week.
Please understand, weight loss of more than 2 pounds per week is unrealistic and probably dangerous. Your goal is to lose fat; rapid weight loss usually comes from water (which you need), muscle (which you need) and bone (yes, you need that too!).
4. Get started: Reduce your caloric intake to match your BMR and increase your activity to burn ½ to 2 pounds of fat per week.
•Always eat breakfast.
•Never eat within 2 hours of bedtime.
•Morning exercise is better than evening exercise, but both are good.
•Never consume more than 400 calories in an hour.
•Eat according to an organized plan. For example, The South Beach Diet, Eat
More – Weigh Less by Dean Ornish, The Sonoma Diet (my favorite Mediterranean diet plan), etc.
•Do both aerobic and resistance exercises most days of the week to meet your fat loss goals.
Remember, your sense of purpose will dictate your actions step by step!
Speed bumps
Somewhere along the way you are going to experience discouragement, disappointment or despondency. It may be when you hit a weight loss plateau. It may be when you see others doing what you used to do and the old habits pull at your heart. It may be when those inner voices – I call them my "counsel of critics" – start to tell you lies about failure and success. What do you do when you hit a speed bump?
The answer to this question does not lie in the "how – when – what" of weight loss. The answer lies in the "why." Your personal "why" gives you energy. It inspires you, motivates you and drives you to complete your journey.
Supplements for weight loss
Leanology® supplements are also an important part of weight loss. In many people they represent the critical difference between success and failure in lifetime weight control. However, you must always remember that they are supplements; they supplement a diet and exercise program. Use them wisely as an important part of your total wellness program.
Remember to let your desire fuel your action; let your actions harmonize with your sense of purpose. Simply be resolved to live a life of purpose and you will have the energy to get beyond the speed bumps.
Take Control of Your Health
•Plan a balance of calories and activity for lifetime weight control
•Eat 5, 7 or 9 servings of fruit and vegetables daily
•Plan aerobic activity most days
•Do resistance training 2 to 5 times per week
•Supplement with Leanology to support the four stages of weight loss:
◦Energy and Metabolism: Leanology Weight Loss Capsules help increase metabolism and energy to support your body's ability to burn more calories at rest.
◦Cortisol & Stress Management: Leanology Weight Loss Capsules help to limit cortisol production in your body. Cortisol is the stress-induced hormone that can lead to abdominal fat.
◦Appetite Control: Leanology Appetite Control Chews help reduce the natural hunger signals in your body to minimize cravings.
◦Blood Sugar Control: Leanology Nutritional Shakes help your body use the nutrients you eat as energy, rather than storing them as fat.
Trivita's Weekly Wellness Report [weeklywellnessreport@trivita.com]
Trivita's Weekly Wellness Report [weeklywellnessreport@trivita.com]