Sounds difficult, right? Well, don't worry: We have a solution!
Suicidal weight loss
*Rapid weight loss is water loss; water loss is dehydration and dehydration is death.
*Rapid weight loss comes from lean body tissue (brain, heart, muscle, collagen, etc.). Sarcopenia (age-related loss of lean body tissue) is death.
*Rapid weight loss comes from bone. Bone loss is osteoporosis; osteoporosis kills more women in North America than breast cancer!
*Rapid weight loss by starving yourself is slow suicide.
*Lifetime weight control.
An alternative to this kind of weight loss madness is to select a strategy that focuses on weight loss from fat only. This is not done by accident. We must select fat loss by choice. This choice implies knowledge; knowledge means that we must learn the lesson of obesity and battle it for the rest of our lives.
Calories – Obesity in simplistic terms is about consuming more calories than you burn in a single day. Multiply these extra calories over time and you have what we all see: an obesity epidemic. However, it is not merely the number of calories we eat; we must include the right kind of calories for lifetime weight control. Organizations such as the American Heart Association and the America Cancer Society recommend eating 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily (5 for children, 7 for women and 9 for men). These are the best calories.
Movement – Our body is made to move. Daily exercise is necessary for lifetime weight control and targeted fat loss. Aerobic training for 30 minutes on most days of the week and weight training (resistance training) 2 to 5 times per week will keep the fires of your metabolism burning fat.
Other tips:
*Deep breathing for 20 minutes daily reduces fat-building hormones like cortisol.
*Get your sleep: The less you sleep, the more you will weigh.
*Eat small meals: Eating more than 400 calories at a single meal causes our cells to suffocate from insulin.
Why supplementation is important
Taking certain supplements can help you lose weight, but you really have to be careful! One supplement that was heavily advertised on television was shown to cause 74% weight loss from lean body tissue. Another supplement that seemed to be the most popular weight loss supplement of the time caused 55% lean body loss. That is suicidal weight loss!
Beneficial supplements exist. For example, Leanology Weight Loss Capsules were studied in a top-of-the-line, scientific clinical trial through Arizona State University. They were shown to reduce weight entirely from fat! Yes, 100% of the weight loss came from fat!
Also, the plant antioxidant ECGC (found in Energy Now!) can increase metabolism by over 200 calories per gram.
My favorite fat loss supplement to "jump-start" a weight loss program is Vital C. This is primarily because of the nature of fat: a toxic dumping ground for chemicals and poisons your body could not eliminate. Vital C is a pH-balanced form of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Ascorbic acid neutralizes many of the toxins we store in our fat cells. For rapid weight loss that targets fat cells, use a Vitamin C Flush, Energy Now! and, especially, Leanology.
Good health only comes from healthy living. Take time to learn the rules of healthy living. Practice healthy habits every day. Soon, the "deposits" you make into your health account will begin to yield real dividends: a lean body functioning at peak efficiency!
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Take Control of Your Health
Eat your vegetables and fruits
5 servings for children
7 servings for women
9 servings for men
Exercise daily
Reduce stress through deep breathing
Sleep peacefully
Detoxify fat cells with pure water and Vital C
Increase metabolism with Energy Now!
Lose 100% of the weight from fat with Leanology
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Get strong with strength training
Get thin – stay thin
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