For the first time in recorded history, children born in North America today are not expected to live as long or as well as their parents. This startling trend may have its roots in the nutrition of our parents or grandparents. The trend continues through our generation. Truly, the "sins of the parents" are visited upon their children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.
How did we get into this predicament and what can we do to change the trend?
Poisonous fruit
Along with the advances in agriculture that reduced famines and starvation, the farming practices of the last century produced some pretty scary trends. For example, food grown in mineral-depleted soil has fewer nutrients to offer us. Food processed for increased storage is further reduced in nutrients. Flavor-enhancing additives, such as refined sugar, further impose a burden on our system. It is as if we are over-taxing our personal health resources and the "deficit spending" of this course is being passed on to our children.
Some scientists recognized this disastrous course 100 years ago. General awareness of the importance of nutrition has increased significantly in the past 50 years. However, commercial and other interests have kept the debate suppressed until recently. A landmark article was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) June 19, 2002. It defined the need for nutrients in disease prevention. Though it was met with resistance, this article clearly opened the door for debate while confirming the truth we have known for a century: A body deprived of nutrients and nurturing will be prone to disease, disability and untimely death.
Further scientific exploration into the link between low nutrient reserves, a shortened lifespan, increased disease and unhealthy children was published that same year in the European Journal of Human Genetics. It clearly detailed the link between poor nutrition in a person and the increase in disease in their children and grandchildren. The "root" of poor nutrition has erupted into obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other diseases that extend through generations. Habits and practices of 100 years ago are bearing "fruit" in our children!
Some scientists recognized this disastrous course 100 years ago. General awareness of the importance of nutrition has increased significantly in the past 50 years. However, commercial and other interests have kept the debate suppressed until recently. A landmark article was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) June 19, 2002. It defined the need for nutrients in disease prevention. Though it was met with resistance, this article clearly opened the door for debate while confirming the truth we have known for a century: A body deprived of nutrients and nurturing will be prone to disease, disability and untimely death.
Further scientific exploration into the link between low nutrient reserves, a shortened lifespan, increased disease and unhealthy children was published that same year in the European Journal of Human Genetics. It clearly detailed the link between poor nutrition in a person and the increase in disease in their children and grandchildren. The "root" of poor nutrition has erupted into obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other diseases that extend through generations. Habits and practices of 100 years ago are bearing "fruit" in our children!
With this knowledge, the discussion around human nutrition has never been mo
re important. We simply must change our habits if we are to change our destiny. For example, we must select food grown in mineral-rich soil and endorse farming practices that support ecology.
We must also discipline ourselves to take our nutrients every day. By doing this, we increase the opportunity for having healthier children. If we are past childbearing, taking our nutrients daily will improve our health and give us the opportunity to "model" responsible behavior for our children and grandchildren. Healthier kids mean a healthier family, a healthy community and even a healthier species.
The power to change the trend is in the choices you make every day.

We must also discipline ourselves to take our nutrients every day. By doing this, we increase the opportunity for having healthier children. If we are past childbearing, taking our nutrients daily will improve our health and give us the opportunity to "model" responsible behavior for our children and grandchildren. Healthier kids mean a healthier family, a healthy community and even a healthier species.
The power to change the trend is in the choices you make every day.
Men's and Women's Wellavoh (wel-lah vōh) is a multi-nutrient complex built upon the science of proper nutrition. Wellavoh is constructed to give you the nutrients you need today to help your body change the trend: the trend toward wellness. It contains the classes of nutrients we need to fill in the gaps left by poor diet and foods grown in nutrient-depleted soil.
Wellavoh is designed for adults and children age 10 and over. Take your nutrients every day and model healthy behavior for your children and grandchildren. Become part of the solution to declining health by making better choices in nourishing and nurturing your body today!
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Take Control of Your Health
Learn and live the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness
Take healthy aging nutrients:
Men's and Women's Wellavoh – the "multi-nutrient" complex
Sublingual Vitamin B-12
Vitamin C
A Vitamin D supplement (found in VitaCal-Mag D and Bone Growth Factor)
Eat organic, locally-grown food when possible
TriVita’s Weekly Wellness Report [weeklywellnessreport@trivita/com]
Wellavoh is designed for adults and children age 10 and over. Take your nutrients every day and model healthy behavior for your children and grandchildren. Become part of the solution to declining health by making better choices in nourishing and nurturing your body today!
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Take Control of Your Health
Learn and live the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness
Take healthy aging nutrients:
Men's and Women's Wellavoh – the "multi-nutrient" complex
Sublingual Vitamin B-12
Vitamin C
A Vitamin D supplement (found in VitaCal-Mag D and Bone Growth Factor)
Eat organic, locally-grown food when possible
TriVita’s Weekly Wellness Report [weeklywellnessreport@trivita/com]