Nopalea™ contains a family of bioflavonoids (plant compounds known for their antioxidant activity) called Betalains. Nopal fruit from the Sonora Desert contains all 24 known Betalains. These are "orphan" nutrients; the main family of Betalain-containing fruits and vegetables is now extinct. How can we be sure that Betalains are recognized by our body since they have not been seen in the human diet for thousands of years?
Foods that are absorbed during digestion and carried into the bloodstream are called bioavailable foods. If they are good for us they are called bioactive foods. If they neither improve our health nor detract from it they are called bio-neutral foods and if the foods we eat are toxic for us they are called biocidic foods.
The question we have is: How do we know that Betalains from Nopal cactus fruit are bioavailable and bioactive? The answer is provided by research from Palermo, Italy.
What you eat
Professors at the University of Palermo Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology have been involved in the study of Betalains from Nopal cactus species around the world. They are primarily responsible for identifying the different types of Betalains and their activity. Recently, these Betalain experts answered the question of how efficiently Nopal Betalains are absorbed. The answer to this puzzle helps us understand the bioavailability and bioactive nature of Betalains.
Research showed that anti-inflammatory Betalains protected fats from being oxidized and turned into "bad" fats. Methyl linoleate (ML) is a common fat used in manufacturing detergent and other products. It can become carcinogenic (cancer-causing) if it oxidizes.
Betalains protected ML from oxidizing. This antioxidant activity hindered the formation of inflammatory chemicals. Betalains slowed down the domino effect of toxic, rancid fats from becoming carcinogenic before they ever started!
Remarkable results
Research continues around the world into the potent anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin action of Betalains from the Sonora Desert. The more we learn, the more remarkable Betalains become. Now we have conclusive proof that Betalains are readily recognized by our body though we may have never consumed them before our first serving of Nopalea. Further, we see that Betalains are both bioavailable and bioactive.
If we truly "are what we eat," we can improve the health of our cells, help our body reduce inflammation, oxidation and the impact of toxins by taking Nopalea.
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TriVita’s Weekly Wellness Report [weeklywellnessreport@trivita/com]