Inflammation is a process much like that. A single event may trigger a domino effect of inflammatory reactions. While many of the reactions are fairly predictable, many others are not. They seem to involve amazingly complicated patterns unique to the individual. Still, all inflammation exhibits five basic signs caused by four basic triggers.
Signs of inflammation
With tissue injury, inflammation is part of the healing process:
Redness: An injured area needs an increased supply of nutrients and proteins carried in the blood. So, blood supply increases and the tissue turns red (Latin: rubor).
Swelling: The injured area is bathed in healing proteins and substances to control bleeding, as well as an increased supply of plasma for transport of waste. This causes the injured area to swell (Latin: tumor).
Pain: The injured area needs to be protected. We instinctively guard an injury because we feel or anticipate pain (Latin: dolor).
Heat: The damaged tissue now becomes weakened and so it is susceptible to infection. White blood cells rush to the area and defend the fragile cells from microbes. A sign that this is working is heat or fever in the damaged area (Latin: calor).
Loss of Function: This process is accompanied by a reduction in function of the injured area until it is healed (Latin: functio laesa).
The "dominoes" fall in the same predictable pattern if the injury is a sprained ankle or heart attack! No matter what triggers the inflammation, the process is the same.
Inflammation triggers
Inflammation is the response to four basic triggers: trauma, toxins, deficiency and stress. All four of these triggers cause tissue injury. Our body responds to injury with inflammation.
We usually think of trauma as a direct injury that causes pain and distress. However, a sedentary lifestyle is also a serious cause of trauma. Why? Because our body was made to move! The more we move, the more we are able to move – and the more we want to move. The less we move, the less we are able to move. Our muscles and other tissues shorten and atrophy. Then, any movement causes injury. So, the less we move, the less we want to move.
Toxicity causes cells to rupture in the same way that a needle causes a balloon to pop. Is there any doubt that we live in a toxic world? An article in National Geographic estimated that humans create 700,000 tons of pollution and waste every day! Between these "exotoxins" (toxins created outside our body), and "endotoxins" (toxins created inside our body), we are bathed in inflammation-producing poison every moment of every day. Any successful strategy for reducing inflammation must address the level of toxins we face.
Deficiencies also cause inflammation. For example, an omega-3 essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency leaves the cell walls weak and unable to function normally. Again, cells are like balloons. If the balloon membrane is too thin, even a normal amount of air will make it pop. If the cell wall is too thin because of an omega-3 EFA deficiency, even normal cell activity will cause the cell to pop and trigger the domino effect of inflammation. Similarly, deficiency of other nutrients can have a catastrophic effect on cells within your body. (A deficiency in oxygen, water, sleep and circulation can also trigger inflammation.)
Emotional distress is also a cause of inflammation. When we appraise a situation to be stressful, our brain releases chemicals called catecholamines that trigger the release of many inflammatory processes. For example, stress causes the release of insulin – a pro-inflammatory hormone. Too much stress over too long a period of time will cause insulin resistance (IR), which is associated with obesity. Other stress-related chemicals reduce circulation to our digestive and reproductive systems and trigger inflammation from blood deficiency. Stress is a serious cause of inflammation!
First steps
We are made with the ability to respond to trauma, toxins, deficiency and stress with inflammation. Therefore, inflammation is not the enemy; however, runaway inflammation is definitely our enemy! Stop the domino effect of runaway inflammation before it starts by learning and living the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness.
Reduce basic nutrient deficiencies through our Healthy Aging program.
Help reduce the effect of harmful toxins with Nopalea™.
Ease the disturbances caused by emotional distress with anti-stress adaptogens.
A word about Nopalea

Once runaway inflammation is triggered it follows an amazingly intricate course leading to catastrophe. It is as if tens of thousands of dominoes are falling in an extremely complex design. Many of the steps are known to medical science, but many are not. One thing we know and have known for thousands of years: stop the runaway inflammation and health will always improve! So, no matter what the "condition" is that is causing distress, reducing excess inflammation will always improve the way we feel.
Betalains in Nopalea are anti-inflammatory nutrients. They help your body do what it does best: repair with controlled inflammation while dousing the flames of runaway inflammation. So, we can say with confidence that if runaway inflammation is the problem, reducing that inflammation is part of the solution. Address the root causes of runaway inflammation by following the 10 Essentials, and taking Healthy Aging nutrients, adaptogens and Nopalea!
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Take Control of Your Health
Eat 5, 7 or 9 servings of fruit and vegetables each day. Include a rainbow of colors, including leafy green vegetables.
Supplement appropriately:
Healthy Aging nutrients to fill deficiency
Nopalea to put out the fire and drain toxins
Adaptogen 10 Plus to help counteract damage caused by stress
Sleep peacefully every night and enjoy activity
TriVita’s Weekly Wellness Report [weeklywellnessreport@trivita/com]